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Portfolio & Impact

Peregrine Ventures is committed to shaping a better future through strategic investments. Our mission emphasizes not just wealth creation but societal and environmental betterment. Our portfolio companies are trailblazers, innovators and game changers, positively impacting millions of lives globally.

This wealth management platform oversees $4 trillion in assets, demonstrating a profound positive impact on the environment and society. Powering over 1,000 prestigious wealth management firms worldwide, including industry giants like Morgan Stanley, it pioneers sustainable and responsible financial strategies, ensuring prosperity while upholding ethical values.


SZSE: 300682

A trailblazer in energy technology, this company actively champions a greener future. By assisting over 400 million families, as well as 12,000 businesses and governments, it plays a pivotal role in reducing global carbon footprints. With a steadfast commitment to a sustainable tomorrow, the firm is driving the global vision of carbon neutrality and achieving a carbon-zero future.


A premier e-commerce platform, we pride ourselves on offering affordable products without compromising quality. Each month, we positively influence the shopping experiences of 24 million global customers. Our mission is to democratize e-commerce, ensuring it's inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status.



Pinterest stands as a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the passions and interests of over half a billion individuals worldwide every month. It's more than just a platform; it's a global community where dreams take shape and ideas flourish.



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For centuries, this anti-inflammatory medicine has played a pivotal role in Asian healing practices, enhancing the well-being of millions. As modern medicine grapples with formidable diseases like cancer, rigorous clinical studies are underway using contemporary pharmaceutical methods to unveil its full capabilities. The emerging data offers a beacon of hope, positioning this medicine as a potential game-changer with the capacity for profound societal transformation.

Dive into the future with our spatial computing platform, a nexus where the digital intertwines with the tangible. Engage with dynamic digital entities seamlessly integrated into your environment, ushering in unprecedented interactions. Beyond mere immersion, this is the next computing epoch that amplifies productivity on a global scale.



Serving as the go-to streaming destination for over 75 million users worldwide, our platform offers quality entertainment at an affordable rate. We are more than just a streaming service; we are the ultimate gateway to a world of video content, seamlessly delivering it to TVs and devices across the globe.


SZSE: 300770

Introducing a groundbreaking media service platform, captivating and serving the diverse needs of over 250 million users across Asia. We're not just another platform; we're the pulse of Asia's digital media landscape.


Revolutionizing the corporate landscape, our SaaS platform empowers employers to offer enhanced benefits to their workforce. Not only does it streamline processes, but it also delivers these advantages at a fraction of the cost, setting a new standard for employee welfare and organizational efficiency.


 SZSE: 301262

Redefining the digital frontier, our internet content and technology platform captivates over 20 million users monthly across Asia. Going beyond traditional services, we harness cutting-edge technologies that have slashed data center carbon footprints by a remarkable 50%, marking our commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility.

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This company is at the forefront of reshaping Asia's communication landscape, providing transformative solutions to elite network carriers. Their unwavering commitment to sustainability doesn't just support clients in achieving carbon neutrality; it sets a pioneering standard, driving the entire communication industry towards a more sustainable future by dramatically reducing its carbon footprint.

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